Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Poser of the day - was he rescued?

By Claire on Wed 31 Jul

Did she rescue him?Ensenada de Esteiro leading into Ensenada Marisas de EsteiroThe weather's a little grey today so we did a few admin jobs (James up the mast and feeling quite secure in the wonderful Banks Bosun's Chair) and then we set off in the dinghy to investigate the marine nature reserve at Ensenada Marisas de Esteiro.  We had our picnic in splendid isolation on the edge of the lagoon and then walked the length of the beach to the river.   We passed some wonderful looking seaweed ... looked good enough to eat!   The quicksands at the mouth of the river were a trifle alarming ........ but, yes, he was rescued!   A few more photos are on the RTW page

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