Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

A marathon

By Claire on Thu 04 Jul

!cid_1922634F-8EE4-4E4F-995C-26ED69B898C0Wind on the nose is not ideal! The weather forecast promised a wind shift from south west to north west but it was south westerlies the whole way from Portishead to Barry and then on to the Scillies.  Quite a marathon.  We did stop for 4 hours in Barry to wait for the tide to turn and then set off again at 11pm and covered 250nm (should only have been 130nm) with two reefs in the main and a reefed foresail for most of the trip!   Now we are repairing damage to boat and body safely anchored in St Mary's.   Apart from that, all's well with the world and we'll hope to set off for Spain on Friday if the weather actually reflects the weather forecast ..... we can always hope the Met office will be right this time!  If you have time to read more about the trip then click on this link Portishead to St Mary's

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