Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Sur le pont ....

By Claire on Mon 27 Aug

Notre Dame des Doms

Waterwheel on Rue Teintures

Sur le pont .....

Palais des Papes

15th Century doorway at Palais des Papes


L’Horloge - with the laziest bell strikers ever! They barely moved a muscle!!

We have just loved Avignon.  5km of walled city, Palais des Papes (the largest and most important gothic building in Europe) the famed bridge, wiggly cobbled streets, trompe d’oeil windows, towers, churches, fountains, water wheels and restaurants.   It’s been a real cycle marathon but we think we’ve covered most things!! Great place to visit and so special to be here in our own floating home!

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