Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
18 August, 2018
Côte-Rôtie : The ‘roasted’ side

Literally translated that is what Côte-Rôtie means and it refers to a very small area along the Rhône from Vienne to Condrieu where the sun beats down on the slopes.  Here a very dry red wine is produced from a combination of Syrah and Viognier grapes that are grown in terraces linked by steps.  We […]

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18 August, 2018
Surprising Lyon

We had such a great time in Lyon, finding so much more to see than expected.  From ancient to modern, Lyon is a city that surprises.  Everywhere we went from the narrow cobbled streets of Rue de St Jean to the astonishing Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourvière, from the modern bright buildings of the […]

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