Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Ancient Arles

By Claire on Tue 28 Aug

So we’re now at our last ‘sightseeing’ stop of our wonderful canal trip.   Can’t believe it’s coming to an end but oh my goodness have we loved it all!  We’re now saturated with ancient history and almost completely befuddled with the names of all the places we’ve been to and, as for churches, we have seen so many!!!!   However, there are some that stand out.  Perhaps the next blog will be the highlights of the trip but for now, enjoy a snapshot of Arles.

The atmospheric streets of Arles

Amphitheatre at Arles complete with gladiators

Roman theatre - marble steps dating from 1 BC!! Or so the blurb told us!!

Roland tower which is the oldest part of the Roman theatre... precise details to be added later!

St Trophime


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