Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Fronteras – The Final Frontier?

By Claire on Thu 09 Jun

Fronteras 010Fronteras 002From ancient lorries with the loudest airbrakes imagineable, cattle trucks and Tuc-Tucs to the traditionally dressed Mayans, this town in all its colour and noise has taken us back in time.  The street vendors line the one and only street selling wonderful fresh veg, freshly cooked tortillas or fried fish and chicken; the sidewalk shops are jammed to the ceiling with all manner of household items and the one and only supermarket is well stocked (well, it’s fine for us!) and always busy.   Fronteras has everything one needs – you just need to know where to get it and speak Spanish!   We’re in our final moments afloat ready to haul out and lay up Ocean Rainbow for the season – hard to believe after so many days as ‘liveaboards’ that we will shortly become land lubbers!

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