Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Hot Tubs, Japanese Gardens and Lobster  

By Claire on Wed 10 Feb

2nd to 8th Feb 034Tisdup Lobster Supper 014We are once again back in East Holandes Cays within an easy dinghy ride of the Hot Tub anchorage, where there is a reef of coral that is just so pretty and varied it has earned itself the name of The Japanese Garden.   The fish are equally colourful and varied and James even spied a reef shark but it swam off too quickly for the camera.     We have had a ‘lobster fest’ with our first attempt at BBQ lobster onboard - with the help of Makani, we had a superb meal; the next evening, again with Makani, we enjoyed a meal of lobster and coconut rice prepared by the Guna families on Tisdup.   We ate at Tobias’ home in the centre of the island though the lobster was prepared at the western end of the island by another family and the rice was cooked at the eastern end by the third family.  An amazing experience and it was so lovely to be given such a friendly welcome by both children and adults.

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