Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Cartagena Life

By Claire on Tue 19 Jan


Wall art in Plaza Ferdinand

Wall art in Plaza Ferdinand

About to go clubbing!

About to go clubbing!

Our explorations through the back streets of Cartagena unveiled amazing statues, street art, sculptures and architecture.   We have so many photos just trying to capture the essence of the city.   We have also had a brilliant time experiencing the night life.  It is every bit as vibrant as Santa Marta if a little more ‘touristy’ - the clothes shops are a lot more expensive and the souvenirs less varied.     However, the Plaza de Trinidad provided a lively music scene with hundreds of young backpackers crowding the square and the surrounding streets and cafes.  ‘Basilica’ served us wonderful pizzas and then, would you believe, we went clubbing!   It was Sabrina’s last evening (guest on Makani and with us since the beginning of the Rally) and she wanted to go dancing …. so we obliged!!  P.s. we’re on the move again and this time without WiFi but we will try and post our position from time to time via the satellite phone!

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