Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
10 July, 2014
Hauled Out

Ocean Rainbow came out of the water with a hairy, barnacle encrusted bottom and her propeller looked even worse! However, after application of a big scraper, a bit of pressure hosing, elbow grease and wizard lotion called ‘On Off’ both the hull and the prop are almost as good as new.   She is now safe […]

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3 July, 2014
Our last few nights in paradise at anchor!

We left True Blue Bay and sailed to St David’s Bay to recce Grenada Marine. We’re delighted, we received a very warm welcome and the facilities are exactly what we need for Ocean Rainbow’s stay ashore during hurricane season.   As an added bonus, Ishtar and Kyory were in the bay so we had sundowners and […]

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