Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Our last few nights in paradise at anchor!

By Claire on Thu 03 Jul

001Clarkes Bay 006We left True Blue Bay and sailed to St David’s Bay to recce Grenada Marine. We’re delighted, we received a very warm welcome and the facilities are exactly what we need for Ocean Rainbow’s stay ashore during hurricane season.   As an added bonus, Ishtar and Kyory were in the bay so we had sundowners and supper together.   We then moved back up the coast to check out a few of the wonderful coves we missed on our way down; Phare Bleu, Whisper Cove, Hog Island and Calvigny Island. We are currently at anchor off Calvigny Island in Clarke’s Court Bay but intend to move back to Grenada Marine at the weekend and then the really hard work starts!   Mind you we have been putting in a lot of work sanding and varnishing over the last few days so it’s no ‘holiday’ but we are still in fantastic surroundings and can swim off the boat when we get hot(er)!

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