Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Heaven forfend(ers)

By Claire on Fri 28 Mar
St Pierre

St Pierre

Little ducklings in Le Marin

Little ducklings in Le Marin

You wouldn’t believe it, we’ve spent so long anchoring in harbours and bays that we’ve completely forgotten the drill for coming alongside a pontoon.   When we called in at Le Marin, Martinique to refuel and take water on board we were seconds from the pontoon when the marinero remarked ‘Capitaine – no fenders!’ so we had to circle around to get ourselves ship shape and Bristol fashion i. e. properly fendered.   The last few days have been busy ..... we've been to St Pierre and Grand Anse and are now in Sainte Anne where the Atlantic crossing gang seem to be gathering!   We have met up with Freebooter and Swallow are in the next bay up …. methinks more parties are in the offing!

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