Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
25 May, 2012
St Mawes

Abortive attempt to cross the channel - a gale warning decided a change in our plans so we headed back for a wonderful sunny afternoon and evening on a swinging mooring in St Mawes.

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25 May, 2012
A visit from the Navy

Visibility was rubbish but we were somewhat surprised that two of HM's warships were quite so close to our port bow!   A type 22 and stretch 42 frigate were on manoeuvres and practising their driving - well that was our interpretation as they circled us!

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24 May, 2012
Tea Party on Ocean Rainbow

Marianne & Ian Inskip came across from Goonhaven, Rick and Gill Rickards from St Mawes in their RIB and Rupert Smith just happened to tip up single-handed from the Exe and moor two yachts behind us ....   all came on board for tea!    Adrian then departed for home leaving Claire to take on his role as […]

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24 May, 2012
Falmouth in sight!

James and Adrian arrived in Falmouth after a rather long motor sail - despite their best endeavours to sail!

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23 May, 2012
Stop over in Padstow

Slight problem with the batteries so put into Padstow to assess the situation.  Sorted ourselves out, had showers, indulged in a magnificent breakfast (researched by Adrian!) and fixed the compass light and then set off for Falmouth on the evening tide.

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21 May, 2012
Rafted alongside Kindred Spirit in Barry

Short hop across the Bristol Channel to the land of Claire's forefathers!  Only 19nm covered today.

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21 May, 2012
Falmouth without me!

There'll be no pictures because the boys have gone on ahead!  James and Adrian left Portishead this evening set for Barry (where would we be without her!).

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19 May, 2012
Dinner at Boisdale

After a visit to Victory, what better way to celebrate than with dinner at Boisdale with eldest son and favourite daughter-in-law!   Great Day even if it wasn't spent sailing!

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18 May, 2012
Victory at Chiswick Pier

Fantastic to see Duncan and Cathy's new home ...... and this is what I call a Galley!   

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13 May, 2012
All hands to the pump!

You know the old  joke - Why does it take 3 men to change a light bulb?   ... well here are  3 men changing a pump!!  And, guess what, it did work at the end so success story all round!

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