Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
10 July, 2014
Hauled Out

Ocean Rainbow came out of the water with a hairy, barnacle encrusted bottom and her propeller looked even worse! However, after application of a big scraper, a bit of pressure hosing, elbow grease and wizard lotion called ‘On Off’ both the hull and the prop are almost as good as new.   She is now safe […]

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30 November, 2012
Finally we have an MMSI Number!

As with all things technical we have required a bit of support!  We even had to contact Phil Rogers (OR's previous owner!) for OR's call sign, but finally we have a fully functional DSC radio, MMSI, AIS, GPS, remote handset - Uncle Tom Cobley and all!   Chris Reid has been the mastermind behind the installation […]

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19 November, 2012
Ocean Rainbow goes back in the water

Last minute touch up to OR's bottom ....... and she's back in the water!   Everything back in the right place, the engine started the first time and the parking (or berthing if you want to be technical) was text-book perfect.

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11 November, 2012
Antifouling on

Not sure we like the bright blue but as long as it does what is says on the tin (a 'superior' job) we'll be happy!

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10 November, 2012
Sikaflex Hitch

We have been reading a few blogs recently where we have appreciated 'technical' advice.   Well, we thought we would give you our helpful advice.  Our first entry in our technical advice category is the wonderful modern invention of Sikaflex.   We think the photo says it all!    Molegrips should be removed before the Sikaflex hardens!

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3 November, 2012
The bathing platform is on

Another excellent addition to Ocean Rainbow thanks to Kevin.   And, as is befitting such a distinguished yacht, the wood has  provenance!   It was rescued from Weston super Mare pier after the fire of 2008.

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19 October, 2012
The Gantry!

Kevin has been hard at work and the gantry is almost completed.   It really looks as if it has always been a part of Ocean Rainbow - even if the photo makes it look a little peculiar!    James is doing his bit polishing furiously!   Our boot top is going to be truly fantastic.

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14 October, 2012
Clarendon to the rescue

At the beginning of the year we had Helen (see 18th Jan blog!) polishing the boot top of Ocean Rainbow .. today Tish was the unsuspecting extra pair of hands to help cut back again in the hope that this time we really would have a professional finish thereby ensuring we have the smartest yacht […]

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27 September, 2012
And the mast came off .... eventually

Would you trust Claire to fix the strop correctly for the mast lift?    We might have managed to get everything undone and the mast off the boat but we'll never get it all back together again!    Now the next stage of OR's preparations get underway.  Hopefully back in the water in 6 weeks (ever optimistic!)

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26 September, 2012
Preparations underway to crane out Ocean Rainbow

The electrics all labelled ready to unstep the mast.    A quick photo to remind us how to put the battens back in the mainsail!  The sails all bagged and ready to go to Crusader Sails for cleaning and repairs.  Crane out tomorrow!  Not looking forward to it.      

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