Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!
16 February, 2014
Red and White

It’s back to back parties in Grand Anse!   After an afternoon of snorkelling we went ashore for a Red and White themed party at our favourite restaurant (excellent Wifi) and joined the throng to dance to some great local music suitably attired in red and white.   Then this morning Jon (Hecla) arrived with fresh bread […]

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15 February, 2014
Black Tie and Hearts!

A party with a difference this year as the alternative option to black tie was fancy dress – and we certainly got some ‘fancy’ dressing!   A really fun evening started with the arrival of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, swiftly followed by the Jesters who were trying to escape from the clutches of a bunch of pirates […]

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4 June, 2013
Ocean Rainbow entertains a 'Red Feather'

Lovely to have Mark and Sue Blackmore on board - James will miss his visits to the Savages during the 'season' but we do have a couple of Terry Culpin's paintings to remind us of this unique club while we are away.  

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24 November, 2012
PWRCC Meeting

It's true and below is the proof ... Swallow (formerly known on this blog as 'No Name') is a bad influence.   Our planning meeting consisted of an informative discussion on cameras (hopefully Swallow will email links and things!), a short discussion on insurance, a short discussion on sprayhoods,  and an even shorter discussion on departure […]

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16 September, 2012
PWRCC Lunch on Ocean Rainbow

Forgot to take a photo once food was on the table but here's one of James demonstrating our ''gym" routine on board!   Definitely needed after all our roast lamb!

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2 June, 2012
Jubilee Safari Party

We celebrated the Jubilee in style at Concarneau.  Classic Dream were already settled, we made the acquaintance of Ayesha of St Mawes and invited them to join us for a 'moveable feast'.   Dressed in red, blue and white,  with flags aloft we started on Classic Dream for drinks and starter, moved to Ocean Rainbow for main […]

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26 May, 2012
Party time!

Jean Golding took a line ashore as we moored in L'Aber Wrach and the next thing we knew we were invited on board 'Classic Dream' for tea.   This was shortly followed by drinks on board when Nikki and Peter from 'Seahey' were also invited!

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24 May, 2012
Tea Party on Ocean Rainbow

Marianne & Ian Inskip came across from Goonhaven, Rick and Gill Rickards from St Mawes in their RIB and Rupert Smith just happened to tip up single-handed from the Exe and moor two yachts behind us ....   all came on board for tea!    Adrian then departed for home leaving Claire to take on his role as […]

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19 May, 2012
Dinner at Boisdale

After a visit to Victory, what better way to celebrate than with dinner at Boisdale with eldest son and favourite daughter-in-law!   Great Day even if it wasn't spent sailing!

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18 May, 2012
Victory at Chiswick Pier

Fantastic to see Duncan and Cathy's new home ...... and this is what I call a Galley!   

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