Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Mistral hopping!

By Claire on Sun 12 May

We are managing to get about in between the Mistral onslaughts.    We escaped Port Napoleon and sailed to Port Pin (via Frioul) where we had hoped to stop but we weren’t happy about anchoring in such a narrow gorge with strong winds forecast.    So, off we went to the next calanque and took a buoy and put a line ashore at Port Miou.  Gorgeous scenery, lovely walks, clear water and sunshine.   Bliss.   However with another Mistral approaching we headed to CNTL yacht club and we are now enjoying the sights of Marseille.   Two forts, an abbey, street artists, the waterfront and an obligatory visit to the Basilica de Notre Dame de la Garde for a ‘sailors’ blessing’.  If only there wasn’t the incessant howling of the wind!!

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