Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Restored to glory!

By Claire on Thu 06 Sep


Ocean Rainbow is now reunited with her mast, her rigging is set, her boom is on and she looks wonderful.    The team at Port Napoleon have been excellent.   They’re professional, fast and so amazingly helpful.   Jean-Jacques in his cherry picker was brilliant during the mast restepping.  He helped straighten out the spreaders and align the inner stays and then, when he had trouble putting back our wind instruments, James was allowed up in the cherry picker to lend a hand.    Our haul out was equally successful with Vincent in charge of the hoist.   We were allowed to choose where OR was to be set for the lay up and Jean-Jacques even drove James to find a suitable sized ladder so we could climb on board OR on the hard.    Port Napoleon has, so far, proved to be an excellent yard to lay up Ocean Rainbow.

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