Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

We're still waiting .....

By Claire on Wed 07 Dec
Brain training!

Brain training!

img_2119 Well the sun came out but we are still sitting at anchor in Shell Bay on the Rio Dulce! However, we've been busy mending, painting, varnishing and partying (no change there then, we hear you say!!). James has been up and down the mast over a dozen times trying to sort out our wind indicator problems but the long and the short of it is - we have to wait for a spare part to arrive from England (about 5 days) and clear customs (that's anybody's guess and could be as long as two weeks!) but then all we will have to do is connect up the wires and keep our fingers crossed! On a happy note, we had a great 41st wedding anniversary. Last year we were in Cuaracao, this year it's Guatemala, where next year? Your guess is as good as ours!

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