Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Ready, Steady ....... GO!

By Claire on Thu 15 Dec
Waiting for ST50

Waiting for ST50

img_2147 img_2150Wonderful, brilliant and totally fantasmagorical - we are on our way. Getting a working wind instrument (ST50) has been a real saga with our package going missing, tracing it via a third party in UK and then arranging onward posting from Mixco where it had arrived as expected but then was overlooked and a different model wind instrument sent instead, then no cables, they'd been left behind in the 'bodega' but now we are ready.  James has rewired everything and we have blast off!   5 Gold Stars to Peter at Hamble Marine for all his help and the 'extras' he put in our package; to Daniel at Positive Marine for finding the owner of the ST60 we received; to Chris Turner at Raymarine Tech Support for wiring diagrams and advice and to Roger Day, based at RAM, who put the professional touches to the wiring.   We are very happy bunnies!! Or should that be elves considering the time of year! We will be having a Happy Christmas and hope you will too.

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