Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

It's a first!

By Claire on Tue 20 Dec

img_2183birthday-007Actually a 61st ..... We hosted a traditional birthday tea party this year (without the jelly and ice cream - too hot!!!) to celebrate Claire's ever increasing wisdom ... and years!!! We'd made it to the anchorage in Placencia, Belize and were reunited with our French, Swiss, Austrian and Canadian friends so decided that something distinctly English was needed! Cucumber sandwiches (without crusts) and cake seemed the way forward ... together with marmite sarnies, eggie sarnies and tomato sarnies. Then it was cake ...banana mini muffins, rainbow cake and 'green' cake (courtesy of our Austrian guests) - definitely a birthday to remember. Maybe it's only the birthdays after 59 that are memorable?

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