Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Goodbye Guatemala

By Claire on Fri 16 Dec


Last sunset in Guatemala

Last sunset in Guatemala

What a wonderful country. Although it's such a good feeling to be sailing again there is so much about this beautiful country that we shall miss. The people who smile and laugh, who bargain and barter with such good humour and who just love life. The fabulous fruit and veg and delicious meat, the howler monkey choir at dawn and dusk - and during the day too! We have seen so much and enjoyed it all - less the equipment failures!!! - with the highlights being Tikal and Antigua (World Heritage Site). What won't we miss? The air brake chorus of the mega lorries as they cross the Fronteras bridge 24/7!!!

P.s.  Wind instrument not working properly, we think it's the transducer!!!  Still smiling, life's good and we love challenges!!!

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