Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Turneffe and Lighthouse Reefs

By Claire on Mon 16 May
Turneffe Reef East

Turneffe Reef East

Turneffe Reef SE corner

Turneffe Reef SE corner

We’ve been out of touch while we’ve been exploring these amazing atolls off Belize.   At Turneffe we had another ‘squeaky bottom’ experience as we entered the astonishing lagoon inside the reef.   We anchored with 30cm below the keel and had some fantastic snorkelling off the eastern side of the reef.   We also snorkelled the ruined lighthouse (off SE corner) and saw sharks, barracuda, rays and an 8-strong family of lobsters.   Then on to Lighthouse Reef  with fabulously clear waters, stunning snorkelling off the NW corner of Long Cay and, of course, a visit to The Blue Hole.    Have we said this before? – We really love Belize!

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