Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Rio Dulce - back to rainforests

By Claire on Tue 31 May
Sailing down the Rio Dulce

Sailing down the Rio Dulce

At anchor in El Golfete

At anchor in El Golfete

We are now at anchor in a lake 10 miles from the mouth of the Rio Dulce, Guatemala.    We negotiated the sand bar at the entrance to Livingston (0.1 below the keel) on Friday, checked in and sorted out all the paperwork before entering the Rio itself on Saturday en route to Fronteras (where we lift out).   It is a beautiful river and we even managed to sail some of the way through the gorge, so were able to really appreciate the silence – except for the cicadas! – and, as for the scenery, so very, very beautiful.    El Golfete lake is also stunning and we only wish we could stay here longer, there are so many little bays and inlets to explore.  Another time, perhaps….But now it’s time for boat chores, starting with the de-rusting programme!!

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