Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

The adventure continues ...

By Claire on Mon 11 Apr

imageimage Suzie Too OCC Rally has officially ended but the adventure continues!   Placencia Marina and the Belizean Tourist Board gave us a lovely party to welcome us to Belize and mark the end of our 1750nm Rally.   It's been an amazing 14 weeks sailing in company with 25 yachts from 8 different countries.   Now we are 'on our own' again ... Well that's the official line but actually Suzanne organised a final trip.   We're now at Cahal Pech staying in a cabana and have been to see the astonishing Actun Tunichil Mukpal caves (no cameras allowed).   Totally magnificent and so extraordinary to be allowed to visit such a significant archaeological site without H&S restrictions.  We feel very privileged.   Today we're off to see some ruins!

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