Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

40 years on!

By Claire on Sun 06 Dec

IMG_0696Well, we've made it to our Ruby Wedding Anniversary!   40 years ago we were married on a damp and fairly cold day in Kent but  then went off for our sunny honeymoon in Agadir!   We've been on the move ever since and making the most of every opportunity.   It's been exciting and fun and the adventures aren't stopping yet!   In the New Year we're exploring more new pastures with the OCC Belize Rally which will entail sailing around the notoriously windy Columbian coastline.   As for today, we plan to celebrate the occasion with cake and bubbles ashore at Santa Barbara Beach with our OCC cruising friends.  However, if the winds continue to howl we shall enjoy ourselves on board and watch the most amazing windsurfing acrobatics from the local windsurfing club.

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