Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

39th Anniversary of Claire’s 21st!

By Claire on Sat 19 Dec
Breakfast on OR

Breakfast on OR

My Birthday 008

Another milestone – in a very full year!   Becoming Grandparents, Ruby Wedding Anniversary and now both of us are Pensioners … and there is always the free bus pass for Claire to look forward to on return to UK even if she has to wait another 7 years for the weekly pay cheque!  Curacao is an amazing place to have a birthday and very spoiling that Team ACE could be with us.  Croissants for breakfast, birthday (cup) cakes, Skype calls with the rest of the family  and a fab lunch in an idyllic setting, then champagne with scrambled eggs and bacon for supper – all in all a great 60th and one that will be remembered for years.

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