Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Mexican Train with a Grenada Twist?

By Claire on Wed 08 Jul

001003005To the uninitiated …. this is a game of dominoes with an additional rule that is applicable only in Grenada!    Grenada have a ‘public train’ which is open at one end only and before play begins two tiles are passed on (supposedly tiles you don’t want!) to the player on your left/right and the other side pass some to  you.   Carriacou, on the other hand have a ‘public train’ open at both ends!   No idea yet what other islands do but we’ll update you when we find out!   Anyway, enough about the rules, suffice to say Claire can quite understand how this game becomes addictive!!!    Sunday afternoon was spent happily playing dominoes with other cruisers – a great way to meet people – and spend 3 hours!!!   No, Claire did not win and yes there is room for improvement … lots of room!    James decided to ‘pass’ on this activity!!

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