Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Idyllic Passage

By Claire on Sun 12 Jul
Trinidad 012

Approaching the Boca de Monos Channel

Dawn breaks and the pirogues are off to work!

Dawn breaks and the pirogues are off to work!

The trip from Grenada to Trinidad reminded us why we were enjoying seeing the world at 5 miles an hour in a yacht!  We love sailing.   The conditions we had were near perfect for the 86nm passage.  The wind had a touch of north in it so we didn’t have to sail so hard on the wind that it was uncomfortable.  We treated the westerly current pushing us towards Venezuela with respect but after years of sailing the Bristol Channel it really wasn’t a problem!   The night sky was fantastic with the Southern Cross, Jupiter and Venus so bright they looked almost within reach and the moon was so sparkly it lit up the night sky.   A beautiful night sail.   We are now on a buoy in Chagauramas, a busy port, which is very much more reminiscent of the Avonmouth Riviera than the French Riviera!  But, there’s always something going on so we won’t be bored while we wait for our canvas work to be done.

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