Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Busy Days

By Claire on Sun 05 Jul

Tommy and PBO 016Grenada Tour 037Grenada Tour 048Tommy Tohatsu has carried his first VIP guest, an acclaimed nautical journalist, to sundowners on Ocean Rainbow; the blown WiFi Bullet has been replaced so now we have rejoined the 21st Century with WiFi on board; Claire has had her hair ‘professionally’ cut and James has had his tooth (broken when cutting fishing line!) repaired by an extremely efficient local dentist; we’ve been on an island tour visiting the old airfield with derelict Russian planes from 1984 invasion, the last original working (except on the day we visited!) rum distillery – River Antoine and various other places of interest and finally, we celebrated the 4th July on a Danish boat. Not sure what the Americans were doing as there was no party evident that we could gatecrash!!

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