Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Gwada Cricket, Naughty Cats, Pigeons and Nevis

By Claire on Wed 20 May

Claire slogging

Town Square Nevis

Town Square Nevis

A lot has happened in the last few days. We mounted a dinghy invasion on the University grounds once more and we played cricket using mangoes as balls, the baseball bat given to us by Edward to defend ourselves as the cricket bat and the trusty old foldaway seat as a wicket! Totally exhausting but great fun. The next day we headed off to pastures new but didn’t get far and ended up on a Nauticat called Charlotta in Ilet a Cabrit (just off Les Saintes) for dinner! Fab meal and great evening thanks to Rod and Steve. Saturday we really did try to move on and succeeded but not without a stop at Pigeon Island to view the ‘Jacques Cousteau Underwater Park’. The clarity of the water was wonderful and the size of the fish had to be seen to be believed. We were so glad to have made the detour and stopped off. On Sunday morning we sailed into Nevis … another country, another flag and somewhere new to explore with our friends Steve and Annemarie on Freebooter.

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