Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Evidence of hard work

By Claire on Fri 15 May
The propellor looking horrible

The propellor looking horrible

And clean propellor complete with 'sharpie' finish

And clean propellor complete with 'sharpie' finish

We are somewhat perturbed that you, our dear readers, might think that life on Ocean Rainbow is one long party so we are  putting evidence of some serious hard work on this blog!   James took on the propellor and Claire had the 'easy' although somewhat larger job of scraping OR's hull.   We are also delighted to announce that we have moved ... In fact we have actually sailed 22nm to Isles des Saintes. Not quite as far as we had originally planned but more of that later ... suffice to say it's great to be afloat and on the move again.

All my own work! Well almost!

All my own work! Well almost!

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