Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Nine Mornings and a Birthday

By Claire on Fri 19 Dec

Niine Mornings 001Niine Mornings 004Niine Mornings 010We were up at 3.30am this morning to catch the bus at 4am to get to the 4th morning of 9 Mornings!   This is St Vincent’s unique celebration in the run up to Christmas – who in their right mind gets up at 3am to party in the town square from 4-6.30am for the 9 days before Christmas?  We’d been told there was music, singing and carols but apart from the brilliant Sion Mill Steel Band and the dubious talents of the Courts Choir (we think they should stick to selling furniture!) it was a variety game show.  However, the locals who packed the square obviously loved it all and clapped and cheered all the participants.   It was a great experience and a very different start to Claire’s birthday!   Tonight we’re going to the Grand Opening Dinner at Calm Waters as a celebration … the picture on the right shows the restaurant as it is today at midday!   Not sure they’re going to be ready in time!!!  We shall report tomorrow!

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