Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

“Merlyn and the Iguanas”

By Claire on Wed 10 Dec

Merlin III 023Merlin III 040It should be the title of a book!  If Ocean Rainbow is a party boat then so too is Merlyn III –  anchored close to each other, we started with sundowners on OR followed by a sumptuous dinner on MIII – four courses!  The next day we mounted an expedition to Baradal to seek out the elusive iguanas (some Germans had reported that there were no iguanas on the island, leave it to the Brits we say!)  The first challenge was the dinghy ride in bumpy seas.   Then the trail to the summit during which we saw a wonderful selection of aged and iguanas with the additional bonus of a couple of tortoises – no photo .. too excited!   Next another dinghy ride out to the reef where we spotted our first ray of this season and myriads of little – and a few much larger - fish.  We then dinghied back to MIII for coffee before returning  to OR to set sail back to Union Island.   What a fabulous couple of days with Rodney and Penny, the super-generous McCann’s of Merlyn III and their additional crew of James and Tessa


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