Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Splash Down!

By Claire on Sat 08 Nov

011017At last, after a week of hard grafting we're in the water!  We're delighted with the new boot top and cove line - all we have to do now is put the main and yankee back on and we're away ..... well, that was the plan until we discovered that Yama HaHa is feeling Boo Hoo again.  A real nuisance especially as James had tested the outboard before we went in ... Claire was denied her supper ashore as James stripped the outboard engine down but we did celebrate with a glass of cold white wine (yes, the 'fridge is working well!).  Oh and Puddle seems to be leaking a lottle (but we shall glue her back together again) and then the pump for the heads is also leaking!  And, wait for it, we forgot to antifoul Humphrey's rudder so that is what James is busy doing now!   Hey ho, it's the sailing life ... always something to do on board.

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