Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Home Sweet Home

By Claire on Sun 02 Nov

Home sweet home 001Home sweet home 002After a really easy flight to Grenada we are now back on board Ocean Rainbow (admittedly after 2 nights in La Sagesse’s wonderful boutique hotel to help acclimatisation!).   We are settling back into our life afloat, although we’re not exactly afloat quite yet we’re still on the hard!    Ocean Rainbow is in great order.  Her new boot top and stripe and raised water line all look amazing.  We opened the hatch to find a sweet smelling boat, no mould, no cockroaches, no leaks and everything as we had left it.   What a relief.   What’s more, Ocean Rainbow wasn’t all alone, we had a guardian angel while we were away – a little sparrow had made a nest in the end of the boom!    Otherwise, it’s hot, hot, hot here …. so hot that Claire has taken to doing the food preparation at 6am!   The ‘fridge is working overtime but coping so we’re happy –all’s well with our world!

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