Well not on OR!! So: the electric autohelm is broken but we think we know a man who can fix it; YamaHaHa is ill again and we spent two hours last night stripping the engine to no avail - however we know where to find a man to fix it so all is not lost; James’ iPad is seriously ill, in fact dead at the moment – we are crossing our fingers and hoping the current download works before WiFi cuts out – this is the third time we’ve attempted the repair; last night we tried to run too many machines from one socket and blew a fuse, then in trying to replace the fuse we managed to snap another wire which required serious fiddle factor, small fingers and a soldering iron!! We’re pleased to say both the latter problems we have resolved ourselves! Hooray, there’s progress. Now, it is seriously raining cats and dogs – monsoon proportions – however on the plus side, there’s no shortage of fresh water on OR.