Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Whiteknuckle Ride!

By Claire on Tue 10 Jun

Worse than Alton TowersLeaving PM RegattaTravelling on a Bank Holiday requires a little bit of negotiation, we managed to get an 'off duty' bus from Tyrrel Bay to Windward on the NW coast of Carriacou. However once in Windward we discovered that the ‘ferry’ was experiencing technical problems so James negotiated a ride in a black & grey camouflage pirogue which we have now named ‘Lethal’.  Not your normal ferry-ride between islands!    At 47 knots we sped across the bumpy sea, which had us hanging on for dear life – Alton Towers worst ride will be a doddle after this!   It was worth it though for a great day out enjoying Petite Martinique and its Regatta, complete with ‘flip flop’ race and speed beer drinking contests (in which we did not participate!).

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