Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

The Consequences of Dirty Fuel

By Claire on Mon 02 Jun
The hero of the hour

The hero of the hour

Franz and Claire

Franz and Claire

YamaHaHaHa has been feeling a bit YamaBooHoo recently and gave us a real fright on Sunday as we tried to motor ashore for church. The engine was firing up but when we engaged gear there was a splutter and the engine died.   Twice James had to grab the paddles and beaver away to stop us heading off to the ABC islands but the third time the engine fired up, stayed in gear and we made it to the dinghy dock.   There we were met by a young man with dreadlocks and very scruffy attire offering to take our line and claiming that he had a friend who could help us. It wasn’t long before, deciding we had nothing to lose, we handed Puddle over. We duly turned up an hour a half later after a really rousing sing-song with the local Anglicans, to find that Yama had found his HaHaHa again.   Dirty fuel had played havoc with the carburetor but all was now cleaned, replaced and well.   What a quick turnaround – and on a Sunday.   Union Island really is one of the friendliest and most helpful islands we have visited so far.   We rounded off a great Sunday by having our Swiss neighbour (Franz from Kyory) over for tea and freshly made fruit cake.

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