Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Stabbed and bleeding!

By Claire on Sat 21 Jun

Windlass cover in place

View from Grenada Yacht Club's Spout Bar

View from Grenada Yacht Club's Spout Bar

Well that’s got your attention!! We’re actually referring to the state of Claire’s hands as she continues to make winch covers by hand!   The windlass cover is complete but there is an added task – we got back to OR yesterday and found that the forepeak hatch cover had blown off!   This means working with new canvas which is hard work so Claire is not too chuffed!   Ne’er mind, it’s got to be better than scrubbing barnacles off the propeller which is James’ current job!   We are now in St George’s which is a lovely anchorage. We have explored the town and are hoping to go on a turtle watch tonight …. Tomorrow, with luck, there should be some pictures for you to enjoy!

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