Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

One year at sea!

By Claire on Sun 29 Jun

Bananas 005Bananas 003We’ve actually travelled over 7000nm in the last year, visited 15 countries, 28 different islands, anchored in 121 different bays and harbours and last stayed in a marina on 21st November – somewhat more of a challenge than we first imagined.   Now we are preparing to haul Ocean Rainbow out and spend the hurricane season back in UK; again not quite what we had originally planned but we do want to explore more of the Caribbean next season rather than rush through the Panama Canal. However, until we leave we are still busy enjoying the Caribbean way of life.   Last night we had supper out at ‘Bananas’ with Freebooter and were treated to a wonderful beauty pageant as the secondary school graduates turned up for their Prom party in the same venue… and yes, we did feel a tad under-dressed!

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