Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Union Island and Farewell to Freddo!

By Claire on Fri 30 May

Liz and Peter from s/y SaphireFarewell to FreddoAfter a lovely gentle sail down the west coast of Union Island we anchored in the lee of Frigate Island near the town of Ashton.    Exploring ashore, James met Peter and Liz from s/y Rhaphsode (a Nicholson 38)  and invited them on board for sundowners.  What a great couple who have totally inspired us to visit Venezuala (although perhaps not on the yacht unless the political situation improves).    A really happy evening was somewhat dampened however when, on reaching for the chocolate pot for our post supper treat, we discovered we were down to our last 'Freddo'.    We're posting a photo of him as our final tribute to a great chocolate bar who started his adventurous life in Costco, Portbury Dock in June 2013 and survived an Atlantic crossing to finish his days in the sunny Caribbean - eaten at the end of May 2014.

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