Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Pastures New

By Claire on Thu 22 May

The lush hills of St VincentSt Vincent 018With a touch of trepidation we left Soufriere at 5.30am and set off for St Vincent (which amongst yachties has a bad reputation for petty theft).   As we approached St Vincent we were greeted with magnificent lush green forests.   A fabulous sight.  We made our way into Chateaubelaire and anchored.   James went ashore for customs clearance and on his return reported that the town was virtually non-existent so we thought we would make our way down to Wallalibou Bay – home to Pirates of the Caribbean! An exciting medi-mooring exercise (anchor dropped in 30m of water!) and then a very long line from our stern to the shore. Although the boat boys swarmed around us like flies they were non-threatening, very friendly and moved off once we said we had finished spending money!   This morning we moved on to see a little more of the island from close quarters and then set off to Bequia where we are anchored off Princess Margaret Beach.   All being well we will be heading to pastures new again tomorrow ….. and we have updated the May page!

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