Well you know the saying …… James is back in UK, so Claire and Gilly are playing! We've climbed up to Rodney Fort on Pigeon Island, been snorkelling all over the bay using Puddle for the longer distance adventures! We’ve wandered through the shopping mall at Rodney Bay, chatted to all the roadside stall holders and bought produce just to taste it. Big success with toffee tamarind, pindepices (pain d’epices?), labada and funny frilly beans – not sure about tamarind balls though! We’ve asked millions of questions in the market at Castries, been to one of the stalls for ‘fish and ground provisions’, bargained in the fish market for two wonderful pieces of Dorade (later cooked to perfection by Gilly) and we’ve been to Mamiku Estate and spent a few hours wandering around under the guidance of Gilbert. So far we’ve been using the bus but we may be really brave next week and hire a car! Watch this space!!