Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Gilly's Blog is ready!

By Claire on Tue 27 May

Gilly 016After a few days back the floor of the house has stopped heaving up and down and the bed no longer feels rock still.   Sleep, however, is still erratic.   I was allowed to sleep a lot on Ocean Rainbow, with relatively few caustic comments from my hosts. It didn’t feel like sea-sickness – although when it was very hot and the boat rolling that was a very good excuse to get out of the washing-up and go and sit in the fresh air.   Not without first teaching Claire my ‘African’ system of washing-up, however, which uses very little water.

So, what did I do in St. Lucia?   Click here for the link to her page and there are more photos from her visit on the May page.

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