Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Expert Electrician

By Claire on Wed 28 May

Handy Jim the Expert ElectricianBeach at MayreuAnother triumph for Handy Jim!   He has fixed the external 12v socket which failed when Gilly was staying. We hadn’t managed to identify where the fault lay during her visit but yesterday Handy Jim succeeded … at this rate, if and when we return to UK, he’ll be setting up business as an independent marine engineer!   Claire, on the other hand, will not be setting up as a permaculture expert; Gilly gave her ‘null point’ for plant recognition and she has now rearranged the photos on Gilly's blog so that they really are the ones that she was supposed to put on the page!!  We’re not in a hurry to move on from Mayreu which is really peaceful, the bay is definitely sheltered and there are huge rays under the boat but there is a distinct lack of fresh fruit and veg on this dry and dusty island!

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