Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Super Power : Silent Wind - The kind you do welcome on board!

By Claire on Sat 08 Feb

WhizzOR in Rodney Bay 005At last we have our wind generator and it’s been well worth the wait. Trevor and Manny at Carriacou Marine have been brilliant and the bill has not caused us palpitations! What’s more, during the fitting, Claire had the added bonus of being superfluous on the boat and was allowed to escape to the beach with Fien and Seppe while their parents transformed themselves into Smurfs washing down and anti-fouling the bottom of their boat! Snorkelling with small children is an absolute pleasure and the ice cream afterwards was obligatory! There will be more  photos of ‘flat out’ in Carriacou on the February RTW page when we get better internet.    We are now anchored in Rodney Bay and taking a couple of days off after the exertions of our passage here!   100nm turned into 179nm as we had to sail upwind with two nights at sea accompanied by lightening, squalls and heavy rain.  However, having Whizz (our Silentwind 400+ wind generator - have we mentioned this before!!?)  as a new crew member meant we could use our full suite of navigation aids without concern for running out of power – a super new luxury on board Ocean Rainbow.  We now look forward to our first film night!


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