Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

The PWRCC (pronounced Porky as in Treorchy) Mixed Voice Choir

By Claire on Thu 31 Oct

Supper on board SwallowWhat better way could there be to end the month than receive an invitation for the PWRCC to have supper on board Swallow?    Elliot met us at the harbour wall and whisked us across the water to Swallow’s anchorage where Vicky greeted us with a ‘Swallow Special’ (rum based with ice!).  We were then treated to a wonderful meal with a Caribbean theme using spices we’d barely even heard of!   A taste of things to come.  Looks like there’s going to be a steep learning curve for us in the Caribbean as far as cooking ‘local’ food is concerned but, for the moment, our main challenge is to invent the ‘Ocean Rainbow Special’ and ours, unlike Swallow’s, might have to be without ice!!  After supper we had the chance to air our welsh lungs (Jon and James were allowed to join in!!) as Elliot has his guitar on board – we need a bit of practice before we go public as the PWRCC Mixed Voice Choir … but it won’t be long!

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