Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Souk’d out! Bab’ed out!

By Claire on Wed 16 Oct

Jam packed trainA decade ago Claire was taken to Fez by her brother and loved every minute of it.   Yesterday we repeated the experience but this time, without the luxury of an air-conditioned car, we took the train from Sale (2½ hours) on the eve of Eid al Adha!  That was a mistake but quite funny as we spent the first half of the trip sitting on the counter of the non-functioning buffet car balancing as the train whizzed along the track.   The train emptied at Khemisset and we found very comfy seats to Fez where we took to the streets and explored.   It was fascinating with the highlight being the visit to the tanneries.   We walked for four hours and think we saw every souk and every gate (Bab) on the tourist map!   We took a taxi back to the station and had a well -earned cold drink while we waited for our train (which was virtually empty for the return trip).   We finally got home at 8pm after an amazing day.

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