Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Repairs complete

By Claire on Sat 19 Oct

Covers for Humphrey and the Outboard EngineBouregreg Marina, Bab Al Bahr town and Sale in the backgroundSo much for getting a professional to sew the cover for the engine!   ‘Nocturne’ carry a sewing machine which they lent to Claire who then spent the afternoon stitching the new engine cover.   Not wishing Humphrey to feel left out, he also had a protective cover made for when we’re not at sea.     Unfortunately no ensign staff, the carpenter has closed shop for the Eid and we have obviously had a misunderstanding!      We’ll try again today and hope he’s turned up.   Needless to say we have been sightseeing and visited the Kasbah Oudayas which was lovely with the walls painted indigo blue, the streets narrow and wiggly, clean and empty!  It’s still very quiet because of the holiday which makes getting around really easy.    We also visited Tour Hassan and the Rabat souk (Claire doesn’t think there’s been any change in the last 10 years!).   Just got a couple of things to find in the Sale souk and then we will leave for pastures new – although not too sure if there’ll be wind so no idea when we will next hit terra firma!

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