Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Gas run to Estepona

By Claire on Tue 08 Oct

estepona 001Pretty streets of EsteponaRe-fuelling or replacing our gas cylinder has not been an easy task.  We have checked at almost every destination on our route to find that no one could fill/replace our style of bottle that is until we found Dirk who lives in Estepona.   Dirk said he would meet us at the bus stop in Estepona at 1.30pm, collect our cylinder, refill it and then return it to us in time for the 3pm return trip.  We joined forces with Freya and set off on the expedition with heavily disguised cylinders (in case the bus driver got a little worried about his cargo!) and we’re happy to report that all went well and that we also thought Estepona was a great place even though obviously a Mediterranean holiday resort.

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