Court Short

James and Claire Short, Adventures at Sea!

Africa here we come!

By Claire on Fri 11 Oct

Ocean Rainbow nearing low water!The packed marinaWhat a great sail to Tangier.   Ocean Rainbow was certainly put through her paces.   Our arrival in the harbour was quite exciting too with cross winds gusting 30 knots and an ‘official’ guiding us into the old ferry terminal for a stern-to mooring against an enormous black tyre and concrete wall!   The official turned out to be an out-of-work sailor but without his help we would have been on our way to Rabat as there is absolutely no space in the marina or harbour.   We spent this morning touring Tangier with its rabbit warren streets and lovely friendly people.   It’s great being able to communicate again –although our command of Arabic equals our command of Portuguese, our French has come back with a vengeance!

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